“From the Heart” teaching by Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne.
But when the goodness and loving-kindness of God our Savior to man [as man] appeared, 5 He saved us, not because of any works of righteousness that we had done, but because of His own pity and mercy, by [the] cleansing [bath] of the new birth (regeneration) and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 6 Which He poured out [so] richly upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. 7 [And He did it in order] that we might be justified by His grace (by His favor, wholly undeserved), [that we might be acknowledged and counted as conformed to the divine will in purpose, thought, and action], and that we might become heirs of eternal life according to [our] hope. Titus 3:4-7 AMP
Because God, our Savior, loves us so much, He sent Jesus Christ as our Savior to rescue us from our helpless state of bondage to sin and death. We need a Savior, because we are powerless to save ourselves—if we could help ourselves, we would not need a Savior. Savior means: a person who saves, rescues, or delivers; a person who rescues another from harm, danger, or loss; one who saves from any form or degree of evil. Jesus was the goodness and loving-kindness of God in the form of man. The Father sent Jesus to save and rescue us out of His pity and mercy, not because of our righteousness, because we did not have any. He saved us so that we could be justified by His grace and become heirs of His eternal life.
There are seven different Hebrew and Greek words for “salvation.” The word “salvation” in the Hebrew and the Greek is an all-inclusive word. It encompasses all that is included in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ: salvation; deliverance; save; health; help; welfare; safety; victory; Savior; defend; avenge; rescue; preserve. Salvation is redemption made effectual to the individual by the power of the Holy Spirit.
1. Jesus came to save us from our sins:
She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God]. Matthew 1:21 AMP
God exalted Him to His right hand to be Prince and Leader and Savior and Deliverer and Preserver, in order to grant repentance to Israel and to bestow forgiveness and release from sins.
Acts 5:31 AMP
2 Peter 2:20 AMP says that we escape the pollutions of the world through the full and personal knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2. Jesus is the Savior of the Jews, the Savior of the Gentiles
—the Savior of the whole world—no one is left out:
And He has raised up a Horn of salvation [a mighty and valiant Helper, the Author of salvation] for us in the house of David His servant. Luke 1:69 AMP
And so all Israel will be saved. As it is written, The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will banish ungodliness from Jacob. Romans 11:26 AMP
For with my [own] eyes I have seen Your Salvation, 31 Which You have ordained and prepared before (in the presence of) all peoples, 32 A Light for revelation to the Gentiles [to disclose what was before unknown] and [to bring] praise and honor and glory to Your people Israel. Luke 2:30-32 AMP
And they told the woman, Now we no longer believe (trust, have faith) just because of what you said; for we have heard Him ourselves [personally], and we know that He truly is the Savior of the world, the Christ. John 4:42 AMP
3. Jesus is not just the Savior of a select few. He becomes the
Savior of every person, from every nation, who confesses
and acknowledges that He is indeed the Savior of the world:
And [besides] we ourselves have seen (have deliberately and steadfastly contemplated) and bear witness that the Father has sent the Son [as the] Savior of the world. 15 Anyone who confesses (acknowledges, owns) that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides (lives, makes His home) in him and he [abides, lives, makes his home] in God. 1 John 4:14-15 AMP
With a view to this we toil and strive, [yes and] suffer reproach, because we have [fixed our] hope on the living God, Who is the Savior (Preserver, Maintainer, Deliverer) of all men, especially of those who believe (trust in, rely on, and adhere to Him). 1 Timothy 4:10 AMP
4. Jesus annulled death depriving it of its power over us and
brought us life and immortality:
[It is that purpose and grace] which He now has made known and has fully disclosed and made real [to us] through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, Who annulled death and made it of no effect and brought life and immortality (immunity from eternal death) to light through the Gospel.
2 Timothy 1:10 AMP
5. Jesus purchased our freedom from iniquity and purified us
to be His own people, who are enthusiastic about being
good not bad:
Awaiting and looking for the [fulfillment, the realization of our] blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One), 14 Who gave Himself on our behalf that He might redeem us (purchase our freedom) from all iniquity and purify for Himself a people [to be peculiarly His own, people who are] eager and enthusiastic about [living a life that is good and filled with] beneficial deeds. Titus 2:13-14 AMP
6. Jesus saved us from the limits of this world, making us
citizens of heaven:
But we are citizens of the state (commonwealth, homeland) which is in heaven, and from it also we earnestly and patiently await [the coming of] the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) [as] Savior, 21 Who will transform and fashion anew the body of our humiliation to conform to and be like the body of His glory and majesty, by exerting that power which enables Him even to subject everything to Himself. Philippians 3:20-21 AMP
Thus there will be richly and abundantly provided for you entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:11 AMP